Beta of LoFreq-Star Released

We’ve finally released a beta version of the brand spanking new LoFreq-Star (AKA LoFreq 2.0)! We’ll soon update the webpage with more info, but installation (which just boils down to unpacking) and usage should be fairly straight-forward. This version includes a properly tested somatic SNV calling pipeline, which is already performing extremely well. We will add some more tweaks over the coming months to make it even better…. read more

Population heterogeneity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

This paper in Journal of Infectious Diseases used LoFreq to study population heterogeneity in bacterial (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) whole genome sequencing in a clinical setting.

Beta of LoFreq-Star to be Released in August

We will release a beta-version of LoFreq* (AKA LoFreq2) in August. Amongst other enhancements, this version will include a thoroughly benchmarked somatic SNV calling pipeline.