

LoFreq comes with a variety of subcommands. By just typing lofreq you will get a list of available commands. The two most important ones are


Calling lofreq with one of these subcommands and without further arguments will display corresponding usage information.

A few things to note:

Calling variants: lofreq call

Assuming your BAM file (aln.bam) contains reads aligned against the sequence/s in ref.fa and you want to predict variants and save them to vars.vcf, you would use the following

lofreq call -f ref.fa -o vars.vcf aln.bam

If you also want to call indels add --call-indels to the parameter list. Note, this requires that your BAM file contains indel qualities (automatically added by GATK’s BQSR or with lofreq indelqual)

If you want to make use of multiple processors, simply use lofreq call-parallel instead of lofreq call and add --pp-threads THREADS, where THREADS is the number of threads you want to use. All other parameters stay the same, e.g.:

lofreq call-parallel --pp-threads 8 -f ref.fa -o vars.vcf aln.bam

If you are dealing with human samples (or large genomes in general) we recommend the use of -s (source quality) in combination with -S dbsnp.vcf.gz (make sure the dbsnp version matches your reference version) to get rid of some mapping problems. Source quality is automatically enabled by default in the somatic SNV calling subcommand.

Calling somatic variants: lofreq somatic

Assuming you have preprocessed your BAM files nicely, e.g. following GATK best practices, and your mapped reads of the normal sample are in a file called normal.bam and the tumor reads in tumor.bam, both of which are mapped against hg19.fa then you would use the following to call somatic SNVs, using 8 threads and store the results to files with the prefix out_:

lofreq somatic -n normal.bam -t tumor.bam -f hg19.fa \
    --threads 8 -o out_ [-d dbsnp.vcf.gz]

The use of dbsnp is optional but highly recommended if you are dealing with human samples. It will help remove possibly undetected germline variants from the final output. Ideally you have removed somatic variants from dbsnp (those matching SAO=2 or SAO=3). LoFreq expects dbsnp to be tabix indexed for fast random access. Indexing can be achieved by running bgzip and tabix on the dbsnp vcf file.

lofreq somatic produces several output files, most of which you can ignore. Depending on whether you also enabled indels and whether you used dbsnp or not, the final output files are called as follows:

For SNVs before and after dbsnp removal (if you used -o out_):

For indels (if enabled and BAM file was properly preprocessed):

If you need more sensitive calls increase the value for --tumor-mtc-alpha (and --indel-tumor-mtc-alpha resp.)

List of all commands

Main commands

call: Call variants

The main command for calling variants

call-parallel: Call variants in parallel

A wrapper for the call command that executes several instances of lofreq call. Use --pp-threads to specify number of threads to use

somatic : Call somatic variants

Calls somatic variants in matched tumor/normal pairs

Preprocessing commands

viterbi: Viterbi realignment

Probabilistic realignment of your already mapped reads, which corrects mapping errors (run right after mapping). Not recommended for non-Illumina data.

indelqual: Insert indel qualities

Inserts indel qualities into your BAM file. Can be used instead of GATK’s BQSR or on non-Illumina data. If you have Illumina data and don’t want to use GATK’s BQSR then the easist thing is to use the --dindel option. If you have non-Illumina data and have a good guess of the indel error rate then use the --uniform option which adds uniform indel qualities.

alnqual: Insert base and indel alignment qualities

Rarely needed because computed on the fly in lofreq call.

Other commands

checkref: Check that reference fasta file and BAM file match

Rarely needed if you created the BAM file yourself

filter: Filter variants

Rarely needed directly as LoFreq calls this command automatically with default parameters after predicting variants.

uniq: Test whether variants are unique to one sample

Variants are sometimes only predicted in one sample, but not another. This could be because of coverage issues, borderline p-values etc. This command will tell you whether a SNV was really not possible to be called in another. You will rarely need to use this command directly. It is built into the somatic SNV calling pipeline. Also note, this is not designed for very high coverage samples (>1000X).

plpsummary: Print pileup summary per position

Only useful for debugging.

vcfset: VCF set operations

Set operations (intersection and complement) on vcf files. Similar to bedtools intersect and bedtools subtract but allele-aware (by default) and with tabix support.

version: Print version info

Print LoFreq version.

Samtools clones

Convenience clones:

Extra Python Tools

These are optionally installed tools. They require PyVCF, Scipy & Numpy as well as Matplotlib installed.

vcfplot: Plot VCF statistics

Plot properties of variants in vcf file

cluster: Cluster variants in VCF file

Clusters variants based on their frequency confidence interval into minimal haplotype groups. Will give a lower haplotype estimate. Note, this is designed for viral samples.